Skotchs Cursed Html/css Learning & Landing Site 🌌
Welcome to my 🏠🏚 base on neocities
🏠🏚🏠🏚🏠🏚🏠🏚🏠🏚 this paragraph was terrible for screenreaders
You might have been following me from Mastodon, where I am known as @YetiSkotch, and discovered the link to my neocities Page.
Or you might have been following a link from my favorite lemmy instance: where I gave myself the glorious name scratsearcher. A good combination of these names mentioned before: SkotchSkrat; Will have to live with that.
As you might see I am interested in computer science, biology, politics (when it becomes interesting), algorithms and some discrete integer math. Or you might have found your way here by … coincidence? Anyways: Have a good time. Dont question the name "gloriousarchangelgabriel" in the URL of this site, it was just the first random thing that came to my mind.
I am just bad at naming things. The best name I ever gave to something is 83713320a3c58680b7d079e6a7b3e11779a3789f04a041b322f256ff8fab53bb.
The Origins
Here follows some text some might regard as poetry, others as useless notes on the simplest of html-tags.
This is a paragraph of text. In the text is a span element . You can not see it. That is the joke. Invisible yet present in the bytes you downloaded to view this glorious page.
Second Paragraph! Yay 🐱! In the text is an emphasized Element! And this is a link to dimden.
- Did you know this html document was written by hand in a text editor ✏️?
- This html document shall soon get a css styling!
- Later in development of this site I noticed this design is cursed
Further reading 📖
- Local: Exhibit A – SVGs
- Local: To the one piece blog section 🏴☠️
- last updated: 2024 ⌛
- made with: hugo static site generator.
- longer artiles on a select few topics
- Local: Exhibit of the micro-theories section ⛵ 🧭
- last updated: 2024 ⌛
- made with mdbook ; I used a python script to extract my microtheories, which are all stored in a gigantic markdown file, into multiple markdown files. Then I rendered them all to static html with mdbook.
- many smaller lower effort theories I accumulated over the years; prepare for grammar and spelling mistakes.
- search function available, but only works with javascript
- Local: Favorites Section 🌟 Links to favorite https sites (you should support them as well)
- Mastodo Account verificaiton 🎟🎫 Mastodon
- web design in 4 minutes
- mdn web docs
- this website teaches a trick to use an emoji as a favicon 🤗
- This is certainly not for a bot but for human consumption
👹 You found me, I am the curse of this website.